Our Members
168 Property Master Members
94 Active Los Angeles Based
53 Active Wider United States and Canada
19 Retired
Our Wider Audience
Website Traffic
280 Unique Visitors/Month
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11,300 - Instagram 2022
176,854 - Instagram 2023
1,663 - Instagram Followers
Email List
498 Subscribers
85% Average Open Rate
13% Average Click Rate
Podcast Listeners
2,040/Month Downloads
About the Guild
The Property Masters Guild is a membership-driven organization of Property Masters. As a non-profit founded in 2021, the Guild is the only organization dedicated exclusively to providing for the needs of Property Masters, highlighting the artistic contributions of Property Masters, and has the interests of Property Masters and furthering their success as its central mission. Comprised of veteran, established, and upcoming Property Masters, the Guild is a volunteer-run organization that speaks as a collective voice for its members and craft.
While a collective body of motion picture, television, and commercial Property Masters, the Property Masters Guild is separate from the labor union of I.A.T.S.E. whose leadership and authority governs related labor actions, collective bargaining, and oversight of work and working conditions.
About The Mission
The mission of the Property Masters Guild is three-fold. We strive to raise awareness of the craft and creative contributions of Property Masters within the entertainment industry and beyond it. The PMG fosters greater collaboration among Property Masters for the continued success and growth of the craft and its evolving needs. Finally, the Property Masters Guild educates its members and future generations of members to promote the highest standards of excellence in our craft while preserving its legacy.