Please Note:
A Property Master need not be a member of the Guild to submit their work. However, only members will be eligible to vote on nominations and awards.
The Event Committee holds the right to move any entry into a more appropriate category or to disqualify any submission that does not comply with the rules for each category.
If the PMG receives fewer than 5 submissions for any single category it may, at its discretion,
combine two or more categories.
Please Note:
A Property Master need not be a member of the Guild to submit their work. However, only members will be eligible to vote on nominations and awards.
Supporting Material Examples:
Please review the calendar for voting timeline. Voting is open to all members of the Property Masters Guild. To inquire about membership, please click here.
Any questions, concerns, or technical issues, please email: submissions@propertymastesrguild.org.
Any project that meets the Category Requirements may be submitted for consideration.
All projects submitted must have been released/distributed during the 2023 calendar year.
A project that has already been nominated in any previous year's award cycle may not be re-submitted.
A project that is a re-release, Director's Cut, remaster or re-edit does not qualify. Significant editorial changes do not create a new project for submission.
The Property Master(s) eligible for award recognition are those recognized as the primary department head(s). Property Masters credited only to second units or additional photography/reshoots will not be considered for the purpose of award recognition.
The Property Master(s) credited to additional units may only be considered upon confirmation from the primary credited Property Master(s). To be considered, these additional unit Property Master(s) must have participated in a significant portion of the prep and development of the overall project.
In the event of a dispute over a Property Master credit, the Property Masters Guild will defer to the person(s) credited in the end credits of a project. In the event that there are not end credits attributed to a project, the Guild's Awards Committee will rely on call sheets or crew lists to determine appropriate credit for the project.
It is the responsibility of the submission contributor to obtain any required clearances or permissions to submit their project and its supporting materials. The Property Masters Guild and/or its representatives will not be liable for any potential NDA violations.
The Property Masters Guild reserves the right to make a final ruling on the inclusion of all submitted projects as well as the proper accreditation of the Property Master(s).
Submissions are open from April 9th to June 10th.